I have so much to say about all of this!!! But will have to come back to it another time. But yes yes yes to all of it.

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Lucy Nichol

I can relate to being bullied in numerous workplaces, despite having lots of friends and being a kind person! I do stand up for things, and I'm not a 'yes' person. I question things.

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Solidarity - much of this applies to me too, especially when I was in the workplace for a company who had no idea how to deal with mental health, and there were several times when behaviour was inappropriate towards me, but shrugged off because there was "no intent". As you know, my anxiety is still super high, and I constantly second guess myself. But I'm with you.

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Lucy Nichol

I so identify with this, like you lots of people think I am confident and happy in social situations. I am in fact totally crippled by them, I have always been this way and I think a large part of why I am an alcoholic is tied to trying to be comfortable when with people.

Even though now I am well into my 15th year sober, that anxiety is still there. I find any situation incredibly hard to cope with. Even meeting up with friends I’ve known for a long time can have me crippled by anxiety. I worry about how I will cope through an evening and after every encounter I overthink what happened. Did I talk too much, why did I say this think, they will think I am stupid.

So refreshing to read your journey and you write so eloquently about your experience, you ever thought about taking up this writing malarkey! Xx

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